Heavenly Gifts by Phillip Simmons Jr.
The Sky has her favorites
Sure she is spread evenly across the world
Everlasting and Effervescent.
But the waxing crescent has chosen its favorite.
Black boys shine blue under moonlight
Once creatures of the Day
Striding proud and strong
Now shunned and scarred
We have become lovers to the Night.
Once the Sky lets her dark hair down
We play in it
Some lay in it
The Night is filled with possibility
These are her gifts.
Black boys shine blue under moonlight
Some vanish into the Night
Never to return
Some become shadows and hide in her light
Safe from those who wish we’d burn.
The Sky has her favorites
Sure she is spread evenly across the world
Lustrous and Lovely
But we all know who shines when it’s sunny.
Black girls glisten under the shining Sun
Once creatures of the Night
Safe and serene
Now sacrificed and scared
We have become workers of the Day
Once the Sky curls her hair
We head to work
Some put on their pearls
The Day is warm with wisdom
These are her gifts.
Black girls glisten under the shining sun
Some work the whole Day
Building their lives
Some have it their way
Basking in her light.
The Sky has its favorites, but we are her people
Day or Night
Fun or Fright
She reigns and remains our forever guiding light.